Sunday, April 29, 2007

Is It In You?

You might recognize the source of my journal title this week. It is a question posed by the makers of a popular sports drink and has been used by them in a variety of advertising mediums to drive home the point that athletic success is a combination of hard work, discipline, and, of course, drinking their product. As someone aspiring to be a conscious leader, this same question frequently crosses my mind but not in the context of physical stamina or victory in a sporting event. Rather, I wonder how effectively I listen to the inner knowledge and wisdom that God has given to me.

You might call this inner voice intuition but I have always felt that any personal source of inspiration and wisdom comes from a Higher Power. Regardless of how we might characterize this sense of “knowing” it is a gift that too many leaders ignore. We tend to put more stock in the expert advice of others, especially if they have more seasoned years of leadership under their belt or a string of letters after their name. Sometimes we are just too busy to stop and listen to our souls. The daily pressures of schedule and production leave little time for introspection. I confess that it is also easy to ignore or silence the nudging of my inner spirit. Trusting my “gut” seems like such an irrational method to make decisions.

Perhaps leaders so often discount intuition because we aren’t fully in touch with our inner voice. For example, how many of us spend quality time in meditation and reflection? We can’t hear our sixth sense through the cacophony of noise that bombards us every day. Do we frequently celebrate the blessings we have been given or take time to feed our souls through prayer and study? It’s hard to trust an inner voice that has no depth. Making space for God’s Spirit to reside, like excelling at athletics, requires discipline.

Establishing and implementing a routine that encourages stillness and connects us with our inner voice is where we need to begin. As our voice becomes stronger we will learn to trust it more. With each new experience, we will listen more acutely, act more confidently, and begin to make better choices and decisions. The wisdom of our soul will align with the greater wisdom of our Creator. We will see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and follow our hearts to a refreshing place of possibility and promise.

If your inner space seems empty perhaps it is because you have neglected or ignored it for too long. How would your role as a leader change if you took time each day to nurture your intuition, the inner voice of your soul? Could it be that all you need to do is listen and learn from the One who created and loves you? This may be an ideal moment to pose and answer the question, “Is it in you?” Only this time it’s not a sports drink but your soul that is calling.

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