Sunday, June 19, 2011

New Beginnings

One often hears about the theme of beginnings at the launch of a new year but I was reminded this past week about the importance of living each day, perhaps every minute as an opportunity to embrace something new. For someone who has lived for more than 57 years my past is now likely longer than any future I may have left. You may share my perspective with even greater intensity. But that shouldn’t prevent any of us from seeing each day or week as a new beginning filled with opportunity and promise.

Three personal experiences highlighted this reality for me in recent days. Early in the week someone I know lost their job (a trend that continues throughout our communities). I wonder if they will mourn this experience as a loss or embrace the chance to begin anew. Personally I have experienced several major job transitions in my career and always found new energy and purpose during those times. Leaders should pay closer attention to the needs of employees during these often stressful moments.

Later in the week I was assisting a client with interviews for a new position in their organization and found myself intrigued by the candidates responses to some of our questions about transitions in their lives. Obviously everyone views change in different ways and we each tend to highlight those aspects of new beginnings that are important to us. For some it is the challenge of the role or responsibilities. For others it is the excitement of meeting new people and working in a new community. Some struggle to articulate just what it is that stands out for them when an opportunity emerges. Leaders would do well to ask better questions during the screening of job candidates and to listen more carefully to learn how those persons view new beginnings.

Finally, this weekend my wife and I helped our only son move from rural western Pennsylvania to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. It was a time filled with beginnings as we had our first look at his new apartment, met some of his new co-workers, and sampled the cuisine at one of the restaurants in Harrisonburg, where he will be living and working. There is obviously less stress and anxiety for us than for him, but it was affirming to see his positive attitude and approach to the many new beginnings that await his discovery in the days and weeks ahead. Leaders (and parents) can play a supportive and encouraging role during times like this.

These separate but related incidents reminded me that life is filled with daily choices about how we will embrace life when it meets us head on every morning. We can imagine that we are victims of circumstance, subject to the whims and wills of others, or destined to yet another boring week. On the other had, we can open our hearts to the still small voice of a Creator who says, “I have a new beginning in mind for you today; a new purpose for being and living just waiting for you to discover.” It is time we all listened to that voice, regardless of age or station in life. Each day there is a promise unfulfilled, an opportunity unrealized, a moment waiting to be lived. Are you ready to fully experience that new beginning?

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