Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Father’s Love

Since giving birth to this blog in 2007 my purpose has always been to write about the challenges and rewards of leadership. Many of my postings have been inspired by personal or professional experience. Some have been written in response to current and world events. Others draw their life from the writings and research of subject matter experts.

On more than one occasion I have tried to express in a meaningful way how I feel about my Dad and also reflected on what fatherhood has meant to me. Since today marks our nation’s recognition of the contribution fathers make (Father’s Day 2012), I couldn’t resist another opportunity to wonder about this sacred duty.

My Dad has taught me many invaluable life lessons. Some were obvious to me as I was growing up, like the importance of working hard and the value of telling the truth. Others have become more apparent with age, like how to endure the pain of loss and disappointment or the challenge of forgiveness.

In my own role as father I am acutely aware of the need to be more generous with my time, to fight the urge to fix things, and to wait patiently when I would rather be taking action. Every parent probably expects too much from their children and fails to appreciate what is already there just waiting to be noticed.

A father’s love is less about doing something for your children and more about being someone they can emulate and learn from. A listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a place to return to - these are the gifts every parent has to offer regardless of age or station in life.

Some of us grew up in homes where our father was always present and served as a role model. Others may not know who their father is or lived without him because of death or divorce. Yet each of us has a heavenly Father whose unconditional love for all His children remains steadfast. Perhaps it is time to embrace that love so we can pass on a father’s love to our own family.

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