Sunday, February 10, 2013

Leadership Transformation

Change is an overused buzzword in most organizations these days. It often permeates our conversations in politics as well. Yet, few leaders seem to have the courage necessary to actually model the change they so passionately encourage in those around them. Too often the pithy tag lines used to announce the next change initiative bounce harmlessly off the eardrums of employees and customers alike. Perhaps leaders should engage in personal acts of transformation before they orchestrate a system-wide process for change. So what might that look like?

The dictionary describes transformation as “an act, process, or instance of being transformed.” Transform is defined as “to change in composition or structure; to change in character or condition.” In other words, transformation involves real and sustained change. In my leadership consulting practice I have found that personal and organizational transformation isn’t rooted solely in the promise of some future hope or dream. The ultimate destiny we seek begins with our willingness as leaders to live that future right now.

This work begins when leaders acknowledge the sacred connections we have with each other and the universe. Treating employees, vendors, and customers as sacred beings unleashes the power to transform an organization. This means leading without coercion or fear. It involves practicing servant leadership and loving those you work with. A transformational leader empowers others by inviting them to imagine a compelling vision of what the enterprise could become.

Organizations that initiate change agendas would do well to consider how their culture and leadership styles either serve or impede the vision they aspire to achieve. How employees are treated, how customers are served, how decisions are made, how processes are implemented all contribute to the ultimate future any organization hopes to create. If leaders aren’t willing to model the new reality they seek, then all who are called to follow will naturally be skeptical and suspicious.

What might happen if leaders transformed their own behaviors before inviting those they serve to do the same? Could empty pledges to fix pressing problems be replaced with practical, common sense solutions? Might clever ad campaigns give way to promises kept? Would leaders be revered more for their integrity than perceived intelligence? Real transformation begins in our hearts and minds. How will you, as a leader, become the change you want others to see?

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