Friday, September 2, 2011

Celebrating Work (Revisited)

In my early years of blogging I posted some reflections about work and thought it might be worthwhile to revisit this theme since many of you may never have seen it.
The annual Labor Day weekend seems like a good time to reflect on the value of work. That’s right, I believe work is worth celebrating especially if you are following God’s call in your life. For many leaders this calling never becomes obvious or is ignored to pursue the dreams that others have created for them.
So what does it mean to have a calling? One way I defined this in my own life was to create a Personal Mission Statement about ten years ago. It was an intentional process that included lots of reflection, prayer, and the use of a tool created by best selling author Laurie Beth Jones. The resulting mission statement has been guiding my work ever since. While I don’t habitually share my personal mission with others I’m offering it here to help you understand the concept better.
My personal mission is to discover, nurture, and affirm a lifelong love for learning in myself and others. This simple statement has many underlying meanings for me and is invaluable in guiding the choices I make about my career and work. For example, the creation of Higher Ground Consulting Group, LLC was a tangible way to incorporate my calling with my vocation. Imagine the excitement I feel when my love for learning is “caught” by my clients? It’s hard to express how gratifying it has been to come to the office every day knowing I’m doing what I love.
Does this brief personal example resonate with you? Are you doing what you love? Is your vocation also your calling? If you are like millions of leaders, and followers alike, the answer to these questions is likely a resounding “no”. In our endless pursuit of happiness and personal satisfaction many of us believe that money, status, and position is all that matters. While having a personal mission or calling doesn’t preclude living comfortably it should never be the primary focus of our attention. When you are following God’s call in your life these other areas become less important.
The world is waiting for leaders to answer this call and to serve others first. It won’t be easy and the journey may take you places that you never imagined. But consider the alternative, a life filled with regret or the nagging feeling there has to more. If you have a personal mission statement please share it with other readers by posting a comment. You may offer your thoughts about mine as well.
Perhaps this Labor Day holiday could be the start of a new chapter in your work and career. Next year this time you may actually be celebrating something more than the end of summer.

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