Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just Breathe

Most of us take breathing for granted. Those persons with lung disease or allergies likely have a very different perspective. My son carries a pocket inhaler for those moments when his breaths are interrupted by pet dander from cats. Breathing is indeed a gift from God whose Spirit creates life in each of us. Without this sustaining breath our very existence would be in jeopardy.

Stop reading for a moment and focus on your breathing. That’s right; I want you to sense the wonder and power of a healthy breath of air. Imagine how your body is converting the oxygen that has just filled your lungs into the energy your blood needs to pump your heart and fire the synapses in your brain. We don’t think about breathing, even for a few seconds of any given day, we just do it.

Leaders often fail to appreciate the simple daily functions in their organizations that give the enterprise its life. In tough economic times we may discover that what we took for granted is now stressed and gasping for a sense of normalcy. When we reduce workforces without regard for the workload of those remaining we change the breath and rhythm of the firm. If we introduce caustic policies or unrealistic expectations we suppress the natural flow of energy that creates productive, engaged employees.

Hopefully only a few leaders are cynical enough to implement these changes knowing the potential implications, yet without regard for the needs of those persons they are called to serve. Perhaps, in those cases, it is the leaders themselves feeling pressured to act by angry shareholders or greedy investors. Their own ability to breathe can be hampered by such actions.

What seems natural, like breathing, becomes labored and painful if the wrong circumstances exist. Too many companies are experiencing unnecessary difficulty because they have forgotten or abandoned a simple principle. When we treat each other with love, respect, and dignity our spirits can breathe. That breath creates life where there is uncertainty and anxiety. It provides a safe haven for us to share our ideas and work together to weather the current economic storm.

I invite you to reconnect with the spirit in your workplace. Listen more carefully. Observe more diligently. Serve more humbly. Like the breaths you take every few seconds, your influence should never be taken for granted. Just breathe!

1 comment:

Chris Detweiler said...

Ah, thanks Ken for the breath of fresh air!