Sunday, January 2, 2011

Endings or Beginnings?

The calendar year we have known as 2010 is now history. For many of us it couldn’t end soon enough. These past twelve months have seen their share of economic and political turmoil including persistent high unemployment, a mid-term election cycle, and several high-stakes legislative initiatives. It has been a challenging time for business leaders.

The new year promises fresh beginnings, at least that is one optimistic view of the future. In 2011 some of us we will resolve to change a habit or launch a new idea. This practice can invigorate our hearts and minds with energy and purpose. By focusing on where we are going the path may seem more clear and the journey more inviting.

For others, saying goodbye to the past year may carry it’s own weight and meaning. I lost some of my closest friends to death in 2010 so the memory of our relationships still stings with the pain of permanent separation. The dark, cold winter months do little to encourage my spirit and I find it difficult sometimes to remain optimistic in the face of these endings in my life.

Transitions always bring with them this tension between the old and the new; between the past and the future; between endings and beginnings. Our church is experiencing this right now as our current pastoral team moves on. Many organizations have been hit hard by permanent layoffs and plant closings during this past year. The anxiety about what is known and unknown remains a difficult lesson for leaders to grasp.

One way I hope to conquer the uncertainties of ending one year and beginning another is to be more thankful. I am blessed to have a loving family, good health, a job that I enjoy, and dozens of clients and friends who support and encourage me. I’m thankful for my faith that sustains me in times of uncertainty and for a church family that offers me a place to use my talents for God’s glory. Every leader should adopt an attitude of gratitude in 2011.

We cannot stop the march of time. A new calendar year is simply another reminder that endings and beginnings are an integral part of life. Leaders whose memories of 2010 are filled with pain and disappointment can wipe the slate clean and start over in 2011. Every failure can be a lesson learned, an opportunity for personal growth. It’s important to reflect on what has ended and imagine what is just beginning. You might even find something to celebrate about both! Happy New Year everyone!

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